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Yes. The statements examine two data values to see which should come first.

In the integer sort, the ints in the cells of the array are being directly compared.

In the string sort, references in the cells are followed to the objects that are compared.

Testing Program

Here is a program to play with.

public class SelectionSortTesterStrings
  // Sort an array of Strings
  public static void selectionSort( String[] array )
    // Find the string  reference that should go in each cell of
    // the array, from cell 0 to the end
    for ( int j=0; j < array.length-1; j++ )
      // Find min: the index of the string reference that should go into cell j.
      // Look through the unsorted string (those at j or higher)
      int min = j;
      for ( int k=j+1; k < array.length; k++ )
        if ( array[k].compareTo( array[min] ) < 0 ) min = k;  

      // Swap the reference at j with the reference at min 
      String temp = array[j];
      array[j] = array[min];
      array[min] = temp;
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    String[] strArray = { "bat", "ant", "dog", "cat", "eel", "ibx", "fox", "gnu", "cow", "pig" };
    // print out the array
    System.out.println("Before: "); 
    for ( String str : strArray )
      System.out.print( str + ", " ); 
    System.out.println( );
    // sort the array
    selectionSort( strArray );
    // print out the array
    System.out.println("After: "); 
    for ( String str : strArray )
      System.out.print( str + ", " ); 
    System.out.println( );


Could insertion sort easily be altered to work with arrays of Strings?