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  public boolean equals( Object other )
    return name.equals( other.getName() );


There is an error. getName() is not a method of Object.

Must Override the Right Method

You might wonder why the method is not written this way:

  public boolean equals( Entry other )
    return name.equals( other.getName() );

This is a correct method, but it does not override the equals(Object) method. To use indexOf(), you must override the equals(Object) method:

int indexOf(Object element)    //  Search for the first occurrence of 
                               //  element, testing for equality 
                               //  using the equals(Object) method 
                               //  of element. 


Will the following work for equals(Object) ?

class Entry
  . . . . .

  public boolean equals( Object other )
    return getName().equals( ((Entry)other).getName() );

  . . . . . 