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No. The formal parameter amount belongs to the processDeposit method. It cannot be used by any other method.

Scope of a Formal Parameter

class CheckingAccount
  . . . .
  private int balance;

  . . . .
  public void processDeposit( int amount )
  { // scope of amount starts here
    balance = balance + amount ;   
    // scope of amount ends here

  // modified toString() method
  public String toString()
    System.out.println( balance + "\t" + amount );  // outside of the scope of amount


The scope of a formal parameter is the section of code that can see the parameter. The scope of a formal parameter is the body of its method. For example, the scope of amount is the body of its method.

The toString() method cannot see amount because it is outside the scope of amount. The compiler will not compile this modified program.


Can the toString() method see the object's instance variables, such as balance?