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The standard input stream — the keyboard.

(Scanner objects can be connected to other data streams.)

Details (continued)

import java.util.Scanner;

class Echo
  public static void main (String[] args)
    String inData;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );

    System.out.println("Enter the data:");
    inData = scan.nextLine();

    System.out.println("You entered:" + inData );

System.out.println("Enter the data:");

This calls the method println to print the characters "Enter the data:" to the monitor.

inData = scan.nextLine();

This uses the nextLine() method of the object referred to by scan to read a line of characters from the keyboard. A String object (referred to by inData) is created to contain the characters.

System.out.println("You entered:" + inData );

This first creates a String by concatenating "You entered:" to characters from inData, then calls println() to print that String to the monitor.


When the program runs, can the user edit the input string (using backspace and other keyboard keys) before hitting "enter"?

(Try this, if you have a running program.)