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There is no limit. Any box in a structured flowchart can be replaced by one of the structures, which then contains boxes which can be replaced by any structure.


function flowcharting

A flowchart can become arbitrarily complex and still be structured. But if there are many boxes, it is hard to visualize what is going on. Some of the boxes should be grouped into a function that is separately flowcharted.

In flowcharts, a function call is shown as a box with double lines on its sides. The picture shows an if-then-else structure that chooses between two functions.

Functions can be complex. If the logic of a function becomes too complex, some of that logic can be made into other functions. Functions can call functions, of course. Ideally, the logic of each function corresponds to an easily understood structured flowchart.

A programming team consists of several individuals all working on a project. If the design of a project is well-structured, the flowcharts correspond to programs which can be assigned to individual programmers. Usually the programs consist of individual source files which will be separately compiled and them linked together to form an executable.


Could the decision box (the diamond shape) be a function? (Could it correspond to a structured flowchart?)