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Convenience and Expressiveness

Convenience and Expressiveness

As with processors, a richer set of features is easier to use than the barest minimum and enables programs to be written quicker and more reliably. Different programming languages implement different convenience features and have different means for programmers to express what they want done. Some programming languages were created for particular problem domains. For example, FORTRAN is intended for mathematical computation. COBOL is intended for business computation. JavaScript is intended for web pages. Other programming languages emphasize different views of computation. For example, Prolog maintains the view that computation is logical deduction.

When the features of a language are closer to how humans think of a problem, it is easier to write programs. Object oriented languages enable programmers to think and program in terms of the real-world objects of a problem domain rather than the fundamental logic operations between ones and zeros that ultimately is what is going on.


Does C have the full power of any programming language?

Does C have the convenience any programming language?