
Yes—each "count" of the loop matches one slot of the array.

Counting Loops

Here are those two interesting facts, again:

If you want to do something to each item in an array, use a counting loop. Here is a sample program:

DIM NUM( 1 TO 10 )               ' An array of 10 floating point numbers

FOR COUNT = 1 TO _____           ' Visit each slot of the array

  LET VAL( COUNT ) = _________   ' Put the value 13.33 into this slot



The sample program puts 13.33 into each slot of the array:

Put 13.33 into VAL( 1 )
Put 13.33 into VAL( 2 )
Put 13.33 into VAL( 3 )
Put 13.33 into VAL( 4 )
... and so on up to VAL( 10 )


Fill in the blanks of the program.