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Of course. Each call to insertFirst() inserts a new node at the beginning of the list.


Here is class LinkedList again, now with a traverse() method added:

public class LinkedList
   private Node headPtr = null;
  // The constructor creates an empty list
  public LinkedList()
    headPtr = null;
  // Insert one Node containing data at the head
  // of the list.  This will be explained in a few pages.
  public void insertFirst( int data )
    Node newFirst = new Node( data );
    newFirst.setNext( headPtr );
    headPtr = newFirst;
  // Traverse the list, printing each node
  public void traverse()
    Node p = headPtr;
    while ( p != null )
      System.out.print( p );
      p = p.getNext();

Say that traverse() has been called and that the list is empty.


What will traverse() do with an empty list?