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Regular Expressions

finite automaton

It is sometimes awkward to draw an automaton. A drawing takes up space and is not easily used as program input. A regular language can be described in a math-like manner using a regular expression. For example, the following regular expression describes the same language as the automaton at right.


Don't worry (for now) about how the regular expression works. Regular expressions are discussed in another chapter.

A regular language can be described by either a finite automaton or by a regular expression. A laguage that can be described by one can also be be described by the other. To write a program that accepts a regular language it is easier to think in terms of a finite automaton.

Warning: in practice, the idea of regular expressions has been extended to include features that do not correspond to a finite automaton. The languages these extended regular expressions recognize are not always regular languages. Such an extended regular expressions is sometimes called a regex.

However, for the first sections of these notes a "regular expression" will correspond to a regular language, and both will correspond to a finite automaton.


Do finite automata deal only with strings of characters?