<html> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=unicode"> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link=blue vlink=purple class="Normal" lang=EN-US> <span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"'> <p>Folks,<br> <br> Below are the minutes of the October 2010 SSIT BoG Meeting. <br> <br> Many, many thanks to Janet Rochester, who served as Secretary at the meeting and did an excellent job of capturing the proceedings. &nbsp; <br> <br> Lew T.<br> ___________________<br> Lewis Terman<br> IEEE 2008 President<br> IBM Research Emeritus<br> </p> <p align=center style='text-align:center'><br> <b>Minutes of the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SIT-30) </b><br> <b>Board of Governors Meeting</b> <br> Saturday 2 October, 2010 <br> Northeastern University, Boston, MA</p> <p><br> <br> <br> <strong>1. Welcome and Introductions </strong><br> The meeting opened at 10:15, with Vice-President Ken Foster presiding in the absence of Karl Perusich. &nbsp;Karl joined the meeting by conference call and conducted the meeting. <br> <br> The members present introduced themselves. <br> <br> <strong>2. Adoption of the agenda (Attachment 1) </strong><br> The agenda as mailed to the participants was adopted; items would be moved to accommodate conference call participants and departure times. <br> <br> <strong>3. Approval of the Previous Minutes </strong><br> The minutes of the 20 February 2010 meeting were approved without change. <br> <br> <strong>4. President's Report (Perusich) (Attachment 2) </strong><br> Karl reported on the June TAB meeting. &nbsp;Hal Flescher has been chairing an ad hoc committee on TAB structure; the committee has made several recommendations. &nbsp;All current structures will remain, but there will be a new entity  Technical Committee . &nbsp;The ad hoc committee will be looking next at struggling societies. &nbsp;The Technical Management Council and the Education and Professional Communication Societies may merge. &nbsp;Mergers of SSIT with this group or other Division VI societies is not a possibility, although merging with another entity may be forced upon us. &nbsp;We can no longer conduct  business as usual . &nbsp;One solution suggested is to  buy a conference for which TAB would provide funding. <br> <br> SSIT must come up with some ideas to ensure viability. &nbsp;In the discussion that followed suggestions ranged from leaving the IEEE, becoming a web-based organization, using resources to take on new initiatives, increasing membership to enlarge the volunteer base, reaching out to non-IEEE members, enhancing conference income by being a presence at other conferences, increasing visibility of our publications, and developing ways of increasing awareness of SSIT. <br> <br> <strong>5. Past-President's Report (Rochester)</strong> &nbsp; No report <br> <br> <strong>6. Division Director's Report (Montrose)</strong> &nbsp; No report <br> <br> <strong>7. Treasurer's Report (Tongia) </strong>(Attachment 3) <br> Rahul reported that our projected deficit for 2011 will be $44,000. &nbsp;Our reserves as of June 2010 are $297,000. &nbsp; <br> <br> <strong>8. Publications Report (Whelchel) </strong>(Attachments 4 &amp; 5) <br> Bob presented the proposed contract for T&amp;S's Managing Editor (Attachment 4). &nbsp;After brief discussion, it was endorsed by those present and will be sent out to all voting members of the board for a formal vote. <br> <br> Bob used a prepared chart (Attachment 5) to show the publications options as determined by the Publications Committee. &nbsp;The six options were discussed as to benefits and costs. &nbsp;The sense of the meeting was to select System 6, on-line publications only, for 2012. &nbsp;Additional information will be sought from the IEEE to determine feasibility, funding, and practical implications. &nbsp;We will seek funding from the IEEE to develop interactive on-line publications, and will promote the change as offering more capabilities to our publication. <br> <br> So far, no one has applied for the T&amp;S Editor position. <br> <br> <strong>9. Conference Report (Hoffnagle)</strong> (Attachments 6A &amp; 6B) <br> Gene reported that ISTAS 2010 netted around $20,000, but that final figures were not yet available. <br> <br> ISTAS 2011 will be in Chicago, at Saint Xavier University, with Keith Miller as General Chair. &nbsp;The theme is  Overcoming Social Barriers with Computing . &nbsp;The dates will be 23-25 May. &nbsp;The group approved Keith and the planning committee moving ahead. <br> <br> Possibilities for ISTAS 2012 include Spain, Italy and Africa, with South America, Pittsburgh, and China in the future. <br> <br> <strong>10. Committee Reports </strong><br> Nominations (Rochester) - Janet reported (Attachment 7) on the ongoing election for new Board members. &nbsp;Six candidates are running for three places on the board. <br> <br> SSIT officer election. &nbsp;Jerry Engel is nominated for President and Bradley Kjell Vice President. &nbsp;The candidates were endorsed by those present and the slate will be sent out to all voting members of the board for a formal vote. <br> <br> Fellows (Foster) - No report, but Ken reported on his attendance at the Engineering and Philosophy conference in Boulder. &nbsp;It was a small but interesting conference. <br> <br> Membership (Attachment 8) <br> Emily Anesta reported that membership increased by 12% as a result of the spring membership campaign. <br> <br> Student Membership  No report <br> <br> Distinguished Lecturers (Herkert)  Janet Rochester, on behalf of Joe, reported that no Distinguished Lecturer activities had occurred since the last meeting. &nbsp;Joe requested that we approve Luis Kun and Keith Miller as Distinguished Lecturers. &nbsp;The request was endorsed by those present and will be sent out to all voting members of the board for a formal vote. <br> <br> Virtual Community (Andrews)  No report <br> <br> Chapters/GOLD (Anesta)  Emily reported that we have a number of new chapters: Beijing (May 2010), Long Island (March 2010), Columbia (March 2010), and UKRI (October 2009); SSIT now has 15 active chapters, with others forming. <br> <br> Awards (Engel)  No report <br> <br> Ethics (Unger)  No report. &nbsp;Steve noted that members of his committee have been seeking potential candidates for the Barus Award without success. <br> <br> PACE (Ruhoy)  No report <br> <br> <strong>11. Old Business</strong>  None <br> <br> <strong>12. New Business </strong> Janet Rochester introduced Tim Kostyk's Smart Grid proposal (Attachment 9, not included here). &nbsp;Tim answered questions by conference call. &nbsp;Members emphasized the international aspects of the Smart Grid and suggested that the ISTAS 2011 plan for panelists to attend the conference. &nbsp;The proposal was endorsed by those present and will be sent out to all voting members of the board for a formal vote. <br> <br> <strong>13. </strong>Janet Rochester thanked Karl for his work as SSIT President for the year and for all his work on the Society's behalf. <br> &nbsp; <br> <strong>14. Next meeting and Adjournment</strong>  The first meeting of 2011 will be at a date set by the new president. <br> <br> <br> <i><u>PLEASE SEE THE NOTE &nbsp;FOLLOWING THE ATTENDEE LIST CONCERNING MOTIONS APPROVED SUBSEQUENT TO THE MEETING</u></i> <br> <br> <u>Attendees</u> </p> <table border=1 cellpadding=0> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Name </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Position </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Contact </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Kenneth Foster </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>VP </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>kfoster#seas.upenn.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Janet Rochester </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Past-President </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>j.rochester#ieee.org</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Robert Whelchel </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Publications Committee Chair </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>bjwangola#gmail.com</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Terri Bookman </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>T&amp;S Managing Editor </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>tbookman#comcast.net</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Keith Miller </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>T&amp;S Editor-in-Chief </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>miller.keith#uis.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Ronald Arkin </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Board member </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>arkin#gatech.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Gerald Engel </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Constitution/Bylaws Committee Chair </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>gengel64#aol.com</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Gene Hoffnagle </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Conference Committee Chair </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>genehoffnagle#gmail.com</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Emily Anesta </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Board member </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>eanesta#ieee.org</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Luis Kun </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Board member </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>kunl#ndu.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Karl Perusich </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>President </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>perusich#sbcglobal.net</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Steven Unger </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Board member </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>unger#cs.columbia.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Rahul Tongia </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Treasurer </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>tongia#cmu.edu</a> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Tim Kostyk </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>Smart Grid Liaison </p></td> <td valign=top class="Normal"> <p>t.kostyk#ieee.org</a></p></td> </tr> </table> <p><br> <br> <br> ================================================================ <br> <br> <b><u><span style='font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"'>NOTE:</span></u></b> <br> <br> At the meeting, a quorum was not present. &nbsp;Thus, following the meeting, a series of email votes on the following motions were held; all<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> passed:</font> </p> <ul type=disc> <li><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">To&nbsp;elect Jerry Engel as President and Bradley Kjell as Vice President of SSIT for 2011.</font> </font></li> <li><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Approve the Smartgrid Workshop, proposed by Tim Kostyk, to be sponsored by the IEEE Standards Association. </font></li> <li><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Approve Luis Kuhn and Keith Miller distinguished lecturers for SSIT. </font></li> <li><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Approve 'in principle' the venue, officers,&nbsp;budget, and other plans for ISTAS 2011, as distributed on 2 October. </font></li> <li><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Approval of the T&amp;S Managing Editor's contract for 2011. </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></font></li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>