created 07/08/2003

Chapter 34 Programming Exercises

NOTE: If you have read the chapters on subroutine linkage, write each exercise as a main program calling a subroutine. Use either the stack-based linkage or the frame-based linkage convention.

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Exercise 1 — Rearranged Linked List

Copy the final program of the chapter, linked.asm and get it to work. Now rearrange the order of the elements of the linked list that are declared in memory. Check that the program still works.

Next, add more elements to the list. If you wish to keep this a list of prime numbers, add elements for 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23. Add these to scattered locations in the data section. Check that the program still works.

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Exercise 2 — Two Linked Lists

In the data section declare linked list nodes for the integers 1 through 25 (using copy and paste in your text editor will help here.) Declare two symbolic addresses headP for the address of the node that contains 1, and headC for the address of the node that contains 4.

Regard headP as the head element for a linked list of primes. Edit the nodes that belong in this list so that they are linked together in order.

Regard headC as the head element for a linked list of composite numbers (all those not prime). Edit the nodes that belong in this list so that they are linked together in order.

Write a program (much like the one above) that first prints out the elements in the list of primes and then prints out the elements in the list of composites. Writing a subroutine that traverses a linked list would be very useful here.

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Exercise 3 — Sum of Elements

Copy the final program of the chapter, linked.asm. Modify it so that instead of printing the elements of the linked list it adds them all together. Upon reaching the end of the list it prints out the sum.

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Exercise 4 — Linear Search

Copy the final program of the chapter, linked.asm. Modify it so that it does the following: The user enters an integer and then the program traverses the list looking at each node until it finds that integer. It prints out a message when it finds the integer. If it continues to the end of the list without finding the integer it prints out a failure message.

Keep doing this until the user enters a negative value to signal the end.

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   * == easy program
  ** == moderately easy program
 *** == harder program
**** == project

End of Exercises