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See Below.

Complete Loop


Here is the loop with the branch delay slots filled. One could be clever and eliminate the last no-op, but let's not.

The no-op at endLp is not filling a branch delay slot. It is there as a convenient target for the branch instruction.

With a few assembly language directives, the code is ready to run. Step through the code and watch $8 (count) increase from 0 to 0xA.

#  branch delay slots  filled
        ori    $8,$0,0        # count = 0

test:   sltiu  $9,$8,10       # count < 10
        beq    $9,$0,endLp    # end loop if count >= 10
        sll    $0,$0,0        # delay

                              # do stuff

        addiu  $8,$8,1        # count++ ;
        j      test
        sll    $0,$0,0        # delay

endLp:  sll    $0,$0,0        # branch target


Examine the program. How could you modify it to compute the sum of the integers 0 through 9?

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