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Yes, as long as the remaining 16 bits are enough to specify the machine operation.

Immediate Operand

Some machine instructions contain a 16 bit operand. The second operand is contained in a register. An operand that is directly encoded as part of a machine instruction is called an immediate operand.

For example, here is one of the instructions from the previous example program:

address         machine code      assembly code

0x00400000      0x34080002        ori $8,$0,0x2

The last 16 bits (four hex characters) of the machine instruction contain the operand 0x0002. The assembly language instruction can just say "0x2". The assembler creates a pattern padded with zeros to fill 16 bits.

OR Operation on Bits
first operand 0011
second operand 0101
result 0111

The machine instruction tells the ALU to perform a bitwise OR between the contents of register $0 and the immediate operand 0x0002. The result is put in register $8 .

A bitwise operation is where a logical operation is performed on the bits of each column of the operands. The result in each column depends only on the bits in that column. Here is the bitwise OR between two 8-bit patterns:

0110 1100    operand
0101 0110    operand
0111 1110    result


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