created 05/31/03; revised 07/07/07, 11/09/2012, 07/15/2018

Chapter 61 Programming Exercises

Exercise 1 — Sum of Even, Odd, and All Elements

Complete the following program so that it computes the sum of all the elements of the array, the sum of the even elements, and the sum of the odd elements. Assume that all the numbers are zero or positive. Even integers are those for which N%2 is zero.

import* ;

class ThreeSums

  public static void main ( String[] args ) 
    int[] data = {3, 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 97, 24, 54};
    // declare and initialize three sums
    // compute the sums
    for ( int index=0; index < data.length; index++)
    // write out the three sums
    System.out.println(  );


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Exercise 2 — Two Largest Elements

Complete the following program so that it computes and writes out the two largest elements in the array. Use only one loop and don't change any elements of the array.

import* ;

class TwoLargest

  public static void main ( String[] args )  
    int[] data = {3, 1, 5, 7, 4, 12, -3, 8, -2};
    // declare and initialize variables for the two largest
    // compute the two largest
    for ( int index= ; index < data.length; index++)
    // write out the two largest
    System.out.println(  );


Change the program to use an enhanced for loop, if you want.

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Exercise 3 — Closest to Zero

Complete the following program so that it computes and writes out the element in the array that is closest to zero.

import* ;

class NearlyZero

  public static void main ( String[] args )
    int[] data = {3, 1, 5, 7, 4, 12, -3, 8, -2};
    // declare and initialize variables
    // find the element nearest to zero
    for (  )
    // write out the element nearest to zero
    System.out.println(  );


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Exercise 4 — Reversal of Elements

Complete the following program so that it reverses the order of the values in data, then prints it out.

In the first version of the program there is only one array and its values are reversed with some fairly tricky programming.

import* ;

class ReverserVersion1

  public static void main ( String[] args ) 
    int[] data = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14};
    // reverse the data
    for ( int j=0; j < be careful here; j++)

    // write out the new data
    for ( int j=0; j < data.length; j++)



Now write another program that uses two arrays. The first array data is not changed. The second array result gets the elements of data in reversed order.

import* ;

class ReverserVersion2

  public static void main ( String[] args )  
    int[] data = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14};
    int[] result =
    // copy the data in reversed order to result
    for ( int j=0; j < be careful here; j++)

    // write out the result
    for ( int j=0; j < result.length; j++)



This version of the program is much easier, but costs more in memory. Usually this is a cost you should be willing to pay. In the very old days of computing, programmers would pick the solution that used the least memory, and often the cost was difficult code.

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Exercise 5 — Panagram Detector

A panagram is a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once. The most famous panagram, often used in typing tests, is

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Write a program that prompts the user for a sentence and then says if the sentence is a panagram or not. Declare an array of 25 cells that counts the number of times each letter occurs. Read the entire sentence into a String and use String.charAt() to scan the letters.

Here are some additional sentences you may wish to test:

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Exercise 6 — Smooth Operator

An audio signal is sometimes stored as a list of int values. The values represent the intensity of the signal at successive time intervals. Of course, in a program the signal is represented with an array.

Often a small amount of noise is included in the signal. Noise is usually small, momentary changes in the signal level. An example is the "static" that is heard in addition to the signal in AM radio.

Smoothing a signal removes some of the noise and improves the perceptual quality of the signal. This exercise is to smooth the values in an integer array.

Say that the original values are in the array "signal". Compute the smoothed array by doing this: Each value smooth[N] is the average of three values: signal[N-1], signal[N], and signal[N+1].

For the first element of smooth, average the first two elements of signal. For the last element of smooth, average the last two elements of signal.

Use integer arithmetic for this so that the values in smooth are integers.

import* ;

class Smooth

  public static void main ( String[] args )  
    int[] signal  = {5, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 1, 4};
    int[] smooth
    // compute the smoothed value for each
    //  cell of the array smooth
    smooth[0]  =  
    smooth[ signal.length-1 ] = 
    for (  )

    // write out the input
    for ( int j=0; j < smooth.length; j++)

    // write out the result
    for ( int j=0; j < smooth.length; j++)



In interpreting the results, remember that integer division discards the remainder. It does not compute a rounded value. Here is a sample run of the program:

C:\>java Smooth
signal: 1 5 4 5 7 6 8 6 5 4 5 4
smooth: 3 3 4 5 6 7 6 6 5 4 4 4

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Exercise 7 — Data Tweaker

Say that you are interested in computing the average acid level of coffee as served by coffee shops in your home town. You visit many coffee shops and dip your pH meter into samples of coffee. You record your results in a text file such as the following. The first line of the file gives the number of values that follow.


Unfortunately, your pH meter sometimes produces false readings. So you decide to disregard the reading that is most distant from the average.

Create a text file containing the above or similar data. Now write a program that reads the data into an array (use input redirection). Compute the average of all the data. Now scan through the array to find the value that is farthest (in either direction) from that average. Remember the index of this value, and now scan through the array again, computing an average that does not include this value. Print the new average.

Here is a run of the program:

C:\>java CoffeeAverage < CoffeeData.txt
data[ 0 ] = 5.6
data[ 1 ] = 6.2
data[ 2 ] = 6.0
data[ 3 ] = 5.5
data[ 4 ] = 5.7
data[ 5 ] = 6.1
data[ 6 ] = 7.4
data[ 7 ] = 5.5
data[ 8 ] = 5.5
data[ 9 ] = 6.3
data[ 10 ] = 6.4
data[ 11 ] = 4.0
data[ 12 ] = 6.9
average: 5.930769230769231
most distant value: 4.0
new average: 6.091666666666668

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Exercise 8 — Further Tweaking

Your pH meter has become much less reliable (ever since you dropped it on the floor due to uncontrollable shaking after ten cups of coffee). You decide to compute several averages from your data:

Write a program that computes these averages for the above or similar data.

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Exercise 8 —Tweakers Delight

You have a couple of double espressos, your brain has started quivering, and you notice that with an array of N values you can compute N averages:

Write a program that computes these averages and prints them out.

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Exercise 9 — Array Equality

Write your own equals( int[], int[] ) method.

import java.util.Arrays;

class ArrayEquality
  public static boolean myEquals( int[] a, int[] b )
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    int[] arrayA = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int[] arrayB = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

    System.out.print("Arrays says: ")    ;
    if ( Arrays.equals( arrayE, null ) )
      System.out.println( "Equal" );
      System.out.println( "NOT Equal" );      

    System.out.print("myEquals says: ")    ;
    if ( Arrays.equals( arrayE, null ) )
      System.out.println( "Equal" );
      System.out.println( "NOT Equal" );      

Check that your method agrees with the Arrays method. Pay attention to null arguments and arrays of one element.

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Exercise 10 — Arrays with Same Elements

Write a method that detects if two integer arrays contain the same elements, but not necessarily int the same order: sameElts( int[], int[] ) method.

The method should not change the arrays it is given as parameters. The position of elements in the array might be crucial to an application. In general, methods should avoid side effects. So imain() (below) the two arrays should not change.

class ArraySameElements
  public static boolean sameElts( int[] a, int[] b )
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    int[] arrayA = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 };
    int[] arrayB = { 4, 2, 3, 2, 1 };

    if ( sameElts( arrayE, null ) )
      System.out.println( "Same Elements" );
      System.out.println( "DIFFERENT elements" );      

"Same elements" means both arrays have the same length and each has the same number of the same value, but not necessarily in the same locations. The arrays may have more than one of the same element. Declaring a third and perhaps a fourth array inside the method might be helpful.

First Approach (easy): use one of the sort() methods in class Array and then use equals(). (But be careful not to change the arrays in main().)

Second Approach (harder): Assume that the two arrays have elements in a limited range, perhaps zero to one hundred. Declare two local arrays indexed zero to one hundred that count how many of each value is in each array.

Third Approach (hard): Declare a local array of boolean called used regarded as a "shadow" of the second parameter, b. Initialize each cell of used to false. used[j] is set to true when the value in a is found in b[j]. Now scan through a updating used for each element.

For each a[k], find that value somewhere in b (say at b[j]) and set used[j] to true. If used[j] is already true continue searching. If the value is not found, immediately return false.

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Exercise 9 — Integer with No Repeated Digits

Some integers are written (in base 10) with no repeated digits. For example, 123 does not repeat any digits, but 144 does repeat a digit. Other examples are 8134 (no repeats) and 90129 (repeats).

Write a method that determines if its parameter contains repeated digits. Assume that the integer is positive.

static boolean repeatedDigits( long val )

To determine the digits of val, use the % operator to get the right-most digit and divide by 10. (There is no need to convert to a String.) Test your method in a main() that asks the user for numbers to test.

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Exercise 10 — Squares with No Repeated Digits

Write a program that produces a list of squares that contain no repeated digits. For example 52 == 25 works. 102 == 100 does not.

Write main() so that it asks the user for how many digits the integers it tests contain. So if the user enters 5, all 5-digit integers with non-repeated digits are printed.

Are there any 10-digit squares that contain each digit only once?

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Exercise 11 — Square and Cube with No Repeated Digits

Write a program that searches for integers whose square and cube together use each digit only once. For example, 82 = 64 and 83 = 512, so between the square and cube the digits {1, 2, 4, 5, 6} are used with no digits repeated.

Write a main() that searches for all such integers up to a limit. Are there any integers whose square and cube together use each of the 10 digits only once each?

(Problem from Simon Singh, The Code Book, Random House, 1999.)

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