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Sure! Anything that can be done with iteration (looping) can be done with recursion.

Counting with Recursion

Usually you would use a counting loop (probably a for-loop) for this task. You would expect a loop that looks something like this:

// add integers from first to last
int sum = 0;
for ( int j=first; j<=last; j++ )
  sum += j;

However, you can write the equivalent of this loop with recursion.

To use recursion to add integers from first to last:

  1. The sum of the last integer on the list is itself: last.
  2. The sum of all the integers is the first integer added to the sum of the remaining integers.

Here is a method that implements this.

  static int sum( int first, int last )
    if ( first==last )
      return last;
      return first + sum ( first+1, last );


In adding the integers from 1 to 5, how many activations would there be?