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genderPanel = new JPanel();
genderPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(genderPanel , BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));

Height Buttons

Your Ideal Weight

Here is the section of the code that deals with the buttons for height. The buttons are added to heightPanel, and to heightGroup.

One button of the heightGroup is set to be chosen by default. As with the gender buttons, BoxLayout is used in the panel to put the label and buttons in a column.

public class IdealWeight extends JFrame 
  JRadioButton heightA;
  JRadioButton heightB;
  JRadioButton heightC;
  JRadioButton heightD;
  JRadioButton heightE;
  ButtonGroup  heightGroup;
  JPanel       heightPanel;

  public IdealWeight()  
    // height group
    heightA = new JRadioButton("60 to 64 inches",false);
    heightB = new JRadioButton("64 to 68 inches",false);
    heightC = new JRadioButton("68 to 72 inches",false);
    heightD = new JRadioButton("72 to 76 inches",true );  // Default Choice
    heightE = new JRadioButton("76 to 80 inches",false);
    heightGroup = new ButtonGroup();
    heightGroup.add(  );
    heightGroup.add(  );
    heightGroup.add(  );
    heightGroup.add(  );
    heightGroup.add(  );
    heightPanel = new JPanel();
    heightPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(heightPanel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) );
    heightPanel.add( new JLabel("Your Height") );
    heightPanel.add(  );
    heightPanel.add(  );
    heightPanel.add(  );
    heightPanel.add(  );
    heightPanel.add(  );
    . . . . .


Add the buttons to the button group and to the panel.

(If you use copy-and-paste, this is not nearly as tedious as you might think.)