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There are some syntax errors:

int myPay, yourPay; // OK

long good-by ;  // bad identifier: "-" not allowed

short shrift = 0;  // OK

double bubble = 0, toil= 9, trouble = 8 // missing ";" at end.

byte the bullet ;    // bad identifier: can't contain a space

int  double;    // bad identifier: double is a reserved word

char thisMustBeTooLong  ;   // OK in syntax, but a poor choice 
                            // for a variable name

int  8ball;    // bad identifier: can't start with a digit

float a=12.3; b=67.5; c= -45.44; // bad syntax: don't use ";" to separate variables

Example Program

class Example
  public static void main ( String[] args )
    long   hoursWorked = 40;    
    double payRate = 10.0, taxRate = 0.10;    

    System.out.println("Hours Worked: " + hoursWorked );
    System.out.println("pay Amount  : " + (hoursWorked * payRate) );
    System.out.println("tax Amount  : " + (hoursWorked * payRate * taxRate) );

The example program, contains three variable declarations. The variables are given initial values.

The character * means multiply. In the program,

(hoursWorked * payRate) 

means to multiply the number stored in hoursWorked by the number stored in payRate.

Important Idea: When used as part of an expression, the name of a variable represents the value it holds.

(An expression is a part of a statement that asks for a value to be calculated.)

When it follows a character string, + means to add characters to the end of the character string. So

"Hours Worked: " + hoursWorked 

makes a character string starting with "Hours Worked: " and ending with characters for the value of hoursWorked.

The program prints:

Hours Worked: 40
pay Amount  : 400.0
tax Amount  : 40.0

Remember that if you want to see this program run, copy it from your Web browser, paste it into Notepad or other text editor, save it to a file, compile, and run it.


Why did the program print the first 40 without a decimal point, but printed the second one with a decimal point as 40.0 ?

(Hint: look at the variable declarations.)