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Hello World
Silly Example

Static Objects

          .globl   main
main:                                 # object1.print();
          la       $a0,object1        #   get address of first object
          lw       $t0,0($a0)         #   get address of object's method
          jalr     $t0                #   call the object's method
                                      # object2.print();
          la       $a0,object2        #   get address of second object
          lw       $t0,0($a0)         #   get address of object's method
          jalr     $t0                #   call the object's method
          li      $v0,10              # return to OS

# code for print method
          . . .
object1:  .word    print                    # Jump Table
          .asciiz  "Hello World\n"          # object data
object2:  .word    print                    # Jump Table
          .asciiz  "Silly Example\n"        # object's data

In Java, objects are constructed from dynamic memory as the program runs. However, to simplify the discussion (and the code) this example uses static memory for objects. This means that the objects already exist in the .data section in memory when the program starts running.

The program uses two objects in static memory declared in the source file.

Each object is implemented like this:

byte 0-3: address of a method      # single-entry jump table
byte 4- : null terminated string   # as many bytes as needed

The jump table contains just one address, the entry point of print(), at the start of the object. The following code copies this address from object1 to $t0:

la       $a0,object1        # get address of first object
lw       $t0,0($a0)         # get address of object's method

Now the entry point is in $t0. Then object1's method is called.

Both objects contain the same address for the method. The program has only one copy of the code for the method.


What instruction is used to call object1's method?

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