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Normalize (3, 4)T.


The vector is the hypotenuse of a 3-4-5 right triangle, so its length is 5. The unit vector is:

 1/5 × (3,4)T  =  (3/5, 4/5)T  =  (0.6, 0.8)T 

Direction of a Unit Vector

Scaled Vector

Scaling changes the length of a vector but not its direction. If vu is the unit vector corresponding to v, then vu and v have the same orientation.

This sounds plausible, but a demonstration might not hurt:

Start with v = (3, 4)T as above.

Form vu = (3/5, 4/5)T.

The direction of v is arc tan( 4/3 ).

The direction of vu is 
    arc tan( (4/5) / (3/5) ) = 
    arc tan( (4/5) × (5/3) ) = 
    arc tan( 4/3 )


Construct a unit vector in the same direction as w = (4, 6)T.