
The program prints:

The variable contains    53

The LET Statement

Look at the (first) program again:

' Program that uses a variable
LET NUM = 23.5
PRINT "The variable contains", NUM

In this program, NUM is a variable. The programmer chose the name NUM . When the program runs, several things happen when the LET statement executes:

So after this statement has executed a section of memory named NUM holds 23.5:


After the first statement has executed, the second statement executes:

PRINT "The variable contains", NUM

The variable NUM already exists, so no more memory is reserved for it. The PRINT statement does several things:

So on the monitor you see:

The variable contains    23.5


What do you think the following program will write to the monitor?

' Program with a variable
LET VALUE = 2 + 3
PRINT "The result is", VALUE