
' Calculate the number of pounds of food
' birds eat in a day if they eat 25 pounds of food
' in 15 days
PRINT "Daily seed use is ", 25 / 15, " pounds per day"

Your program probably has different strings in the PRINT statement. The division is correct: 25 pounds divided by the number of days gives pounds per day. The other arrangement 15/25 is incorrect.

Three items in the PRINT statement

The PRINT statement has three items to print. This is OK, and makes the program's output more understandable. Each item is separated by a comma. The three items to print are:

  1. A string -- "Daily seed use is "
  2. An arithmetic result -- 25 / 15
  3. A string -- " pounds per day"

When printed, each item is separated from the previous item by a tab. This is like pushing the tab key on a typewriter or wordprocessor. The comma "," separating items is replaced with several spaces (not always the same number of spaces).

The above program writes the following to the computer monitor screen:

Daily seed use is    1.66666667  pounds per day


The electricity used in a household was 1679 kilowatt hours during 41 winter days. The same household used 752 kilowatt hours during 31 summer days. Write a program which uses two PRINT statements to write out the average kilowatt hours used per day in the winter and the average kilowatt hours used per day in the summer.