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The constructor should construct and initialize the tables.

Full Implementation

Every cell of the transition table is initialized to "reject". Particular transitions are added using the addTrans() method. Final states are added using the addFinal() method. Here is a complete implementation:

import java.util.Scanner;

class FSATable
  final int reject   = -1 ;  // state number for the reject state of the automaton
  final int asciiMin = 32 ;  // ascii code for space character: first printable
  final int asciiMax = 127 ; // ascii code for DEL character: last printable
  private int     numStates = 0 ;   // states are numbered 0..numStates-1
  private int[][] transition ;      // one row per state, one column per character
  private int     numFinal = 0;     // valid final states are indexed 0..numFinal-1
  private int[]   finalStates ;     // array of final states
  public FSATable( int numState, int numFinal)
    numStates = numState ;

    // Each state gets its own row.
    // each row shows the next state, for each ascii
    // bit pattern 0..255
    transition = new int[numStates][asciiMax+1] ;
    // Initialize the array of final states
    finalStates = new int[ numFinal ] ;
    // initialize all states to reject
    for ( int s=0; s<numStates; s++ )
      for (int j=0; j<asciiMax; j++ )
        transition[s][j] = reject ;

  public void addTrans( int currentState, char input, int nextState )
    if ( currentState>=0 && currentState<numStates && 
         nextState   >=0 && nextState   <numStates && 
         input>=asciiMin && input <=asciiMax )
      transition[currentState][input] = nextState ;
      System.out.println("Problem with the transition: " + 
        currentState + " reading " + input + " -> " + nextState );

  public void addFinal( int state )
    if ( numFinal >= finalStates.length-1 ) 
      System.out.println("No room for final state:" + state );
    finalStates[numFinal] = state;
    numFinal++ ;

  /* search for a final state in the list of final states */  
  private boolean isFinal( int state )
    int j;
    for ( j=0; j<numFinal; j++ )
      if ( state==finalStates[j] ) return true; 
    return false;
  public boolean recognize(String str)
    int    state = 0;  // the current state
    int    index=0;    // index of the current character
    char   current;    // the current character
    // continue while there are input characters
    // and the reject state has not been reached
    while ( index < str.length() && state != reject )
      current = str.charAt( index++ ) ;
      state   = transition[state][current] ;
    // if the final state is reached with the last character,
    // the string is accepted.
    if ( index == str.length() && isFinal( state ) )
      return true; 
      return false;

public class FSATableTester
  public static void main (String[] args)
    FSATable fsa = new FSATable(5, 3);
    fsa.addTrans( 0, 'a', 1 );
    fsa.addTrans( 1, 'b', 0 );
    fsa.addTrans( 1, 'c', 2 );
    fsa.addTrans( 2, 'c', 2 );
    String str;
    Scanner scan = new Scanner( System.in );
    System.out.print("Enter a string -->");  

    while ( !((str = scan.nextLine()).equals("")) )
      if ( fsa.recognize( str ) )
        System.out.println("The string is recognized.");
        System.out.println("The string \"" + str + "\" is rejected.");
      System.out.print("Enter a string -->");  



What input causes main() to stop looping?