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Yes, you might want to filter out unprintable characters. To indicate "no output character", use the Greek letter epsilon: ε .

Testing Program

Here is a testing program for a finite-state transducer. The transducer's method is String transform( String ). It takes a string argument and returns a string value. If the argument string is not accepted, the method returns null.

class FSTtester
  public static void main (String[] args)
    String inString  = null;
    String outString = null;
    FST fst = new FST();

    inString = args[0]; 

    if ( (outString = fst.transform( inString )) != null )
      System.out.println("The string is transformed to:" + outString );
      System.out.println("The string is rejected.");

(If you don't wish to use a command line argument for input, replace args[0] with some other means of input or replace it with a string literal.)


(Java Review:) What is the value of this expression

(outString = fst.transform( inString ))

when transform() returns null?