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Memory access is much slower than copying between registers.

Example Program

## Move data between the coprocessor and the CPU

        .globl main

        li      $t0,1           # $t0 <-- 1
                                # (move to the coprocessor)
        mtc1    $t0,$f0         # $t0 --> $f0 
        li.s    $f1,1.0         # $f1 <-- 1.0
                                # (move from the coprocessor)
        mfc1    $t1,$f1         # $t1 <-- $f1 
        li      $v0,10          # exit

Here is a program that moves bit patterns between floating point and general purpose registers. The program loads a general purpose register with a two's complement 1 and copies that pattern to a floating point register. Then it loads a floating point register with an IEEE 1.0 and moves that pattern to a general purpose register.

The bit pattern 00000001 is the two's complement representation of one. It is now in registers $t0 and $f0.

Here is what the SPIM registers contain after running the program:

The bit pattern 3f800000 is the IEEE representation of 1.0. That pattern is now in registers $f1 and $t1. (It is also in register $at which is used in implementing the pseudoinstruction li.s).

Screen Dump of Registers       Screen Dump of Registers


Could floating point arithmetic be done with the value in register $f0? Inspect the contents for FP0 in the SPIM register display.

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