created 06/27/2003

Chapter 16 Programming Exercises

For these programming exercises, use only those instructions that have been discussed so far in these notes:

add lhu sb
addi lui sh
addiu lw sll
addu mfhi sra
and mflo srl
andi mult sub
div multu subu
divu nor sw
lb or xor
lbu ori xori

In the Simulator/Settings/MIPS menu of SPIM set Bare Machine ON, Accept Pseudo Instructions OFF, Enable Delayed Branches ON, Enable Delayed Loads ON, Enable Mapped I/O OFF, Load Exception Handler OFF.

Run the programs by single stepping (pushing F10). Observing the results in the SPIM Int Regs window. Check the Registers menu that the registers are displayed in HEX.

*Exercise 1

Your program has a data section declared as follows:

      .byte   12
      .byte   97
      .byte  133
      .byte   82
      .byte  236

Write a program that adds the values up, computes the average, and stores the result in a memory location. Is the average correct?

Hint: there are two easily-made errors in this program.

Click here to go back to the main menu.

   * == easy program
  ** == moderately easy program
 *** == harder program
**** == project

End of Exercises