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54 = 16 × 3 with a remainder of 6.

digit[ 0 ] = 54 mod 16 = 6,

number = 54 div 16 = 3

Hex Digits from Right to Left

Algorithm: Convert from base 10 to base B Representation
place  = 0;
number = number to be converted
while (number > 0 )
  digit[place] = number mod B ; 
  number       = number div B ;
  place        = place + 1 ;

The first execution of the loop body calculates the digit for place 0, the rightmost digit. The first execution calculates that:

5410   =   3 × 161 + 6 × 160

The 6 becomes the rightmost digit and the 3 becomes number for the next iteration.

The next iteration is for the next digit left. The calculation is 3 mod 16 = 3 and number = 3 div 16 = 0. The 3 becomes the digit, and the 0 becomes number.

Because number is now zero, the algorithm is done, and the result is 5410   =   0x36

If you are enthused about this you might wish to use mathematical induction to prove that the algorithm is correct.


Convert 24710 to hexadecimal.

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